Gorgeous Weather and Practice

We had an absolutely gorgeous weekend in Western Washington.  Shining sun is very seductive here in the rainy Pacific Northwest. It has a tendency to sing its siren song in the hopes of luring you away from whatever else you might have planned that is important. Sunshine is such an evil temptress! :O)

For all of my students I urge you:  On gorgeous days like this, DON'T lay off of practicing. Instead, throw open the doors and the windows and keep on keepin' on! That's what I do and my neighbors always tell me that they love to hear me rehearse; so don't be shy. Or go outside and practice in the sun or near a waterfall, next to a lake or under a canopy of evergreens or stars. The landscape in Western Washington is exquisite.  Nature can inspire your creativity, so keep up your chops and let Mother Nature be your muse.

Hugs, Carolena

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