"I Don't Like It!" –or– "I Don't Understand It!"

I occasionally hear one of two statements being exclaimed in regard to JaZz: (a) "I don't like/hate it!" and (b) "I just don't understand it!"

In the case of the first statement, about a year or so ago I began experimenting.  When someone tells me that they dislike or hate JaZz, I query, "Really?  Well, do you like 'so-and-so'?", naming a random JaZz artist, be it instrumentalist or vocalist.  Or "Do you like 'such-and-such'?", naming a specific genre like swing, for example.  The response I most often hear reflected back to me is, "Oh, I LOVE 'so-and-so' or 'such-and-such'!"  Or even, "My favorite 'this-and-that' radio station plays that/them all the time. It's/they're my favorite!" My answer to those statements is then to surprise the listener by pointing out that they have been enjoying JaZz all along but just didn't realize it. Since JaZz IS an umbrella term which encompasses multiple styles of music, you too may have been enjoying one or more aspects of it without even realizing it.

In response to the statement, "I just don't understand it," what I have to offer is this: Suspend your thought processes.  Open up your ears and your heart.  Allow your emotions to carry you along with the sound waves.  JaZz is a very emotional, 'being completely present,' style of music.  Due to it's improvisational nature, the musicians, the vocalist are 'living in the moment' and conveying their emotions to you through the vehicle of the music.  Their musical conversations aren't static, but current; they build upon one another and react to each other in the midst of their musical discourse.  If you allow it to do so, it can capture your heart as long as you allow yourself to remain open to it.  My advice is this:

Don't analyze it – just FEEEEEEL it!

So before writing JaZz off, do yourself a favor and explore.  While not everyone in the world will embrace it, you might find yourself positively and passionately surprised, and your ears and heart may just thank you for it!

Hugs, Carolena

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