Newly Launched - Christening the Ship!

I've been threatening to launch my new website since last Summer and here it is ... finally! Woo-HOO!  And can you believe it, I'm actually blogging!  "I'm writing a blog," are words that I never imagined passing these lips (or fingertips, to be more accurate).  :O)

Welcome to all lovers of vocal JaZz!  And welcome to all voice students: old, new and prospective, too!  Perhaps you are a client who desires to book some high quality entertainment for your business or private event?  On the other hand, you may have music aspirations of your own, would like to take voice lessons and learn to sing?  In either event, you've come to the right place! 

I still have a few tweaks to make here and there in regard to the site.  Additionally, I will be adding pages and content as I go along. However, in the meanwhile, grab a cup of joe (unless you're singing; you know caffeine is a no-no), make yourselves comfortable and take a look around.  Thank you for your interest. Come back to visit soon!

Hugs, Carolena

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