The Very Best Thing You Can Do for Your Life

In the spirit of new beginnings at the top of the New Year, the very best advice that I can offer in regard to your life, is to tell you to follow your calling and do whatever it is that you love to do most.  You will do yourself no favors in life if you force yourself (or are forced by another) to do something that you either hate or about which you feel apathy because in doing so, you will choose a life of misery.


If whatever you are doing gives you joy regardless of whether you are a musician, artist, computer programmer or shoe repair person then it won't feel like work.  If you are an admin and the organizational skills it takes to do the job leave you happy, proud and satisfied by the end of the day, then by all means, do that!  If you get your high from playing the piano, then master that skill and give your all to it.  But whatever it is you choose to do, make sure that you master the skill; don't do whatever it is half-way.  Half-way doesn't serve anyone, especially not yourself.

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