Success and Satisfaction

The meme below is advice from Martha Graham to fellow dancer and choreographer Agnes de Mille.

My personal note:

We are ALL our own worse critics. Don't let that stifle or suffocate the music within you. Allow it to flow, because it is a part of who you are. To keep silent is to die, a little bit at a time.

The best thing that you can do for your self-confidence is to learn proper, healthy technique. If you struggle with the mechanics, your voice will never flow freely. But this requires work. In spite of the impression you may have formed due to TV shows like "American Idol," learning music is not an "instant gratification" kind of thing. If you want to be good, you MUST be dedicated, you MUST put your nose to the grindstone, and this will be a life-long pursuit. But what better way to spend your life than by doing what you love? That is the meaning of joy and bliss.

Martha Graham

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